Sponsorship Recognition

We are seeking corporate, individual or foundation sponsors and grants to provide completion funds for this important film.  This will help fund the production and distribution of the film.

The film is a non-profit production of the Katsu Goto Memorial Committee which was formed for this project and is under the auspices of the Honoka‘a Hongwanji Mission, an affiliate of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the allowable extent of the law.

Recognition for Sponsorship

$5,000.00 or more:

Presenting Sponsor, listed in the film credits at the start of the film, a billboard type listing at the end of the film and listed on the website. Presenting Sponsors will also be included on all printed materials distributed before the airing of the film and throughout the distribution of the film. This includes on Posters, DVD’s and Press Releases.

$1,000.00 to $4,999.99:      

Associate Sponsor, listed after the Presenting sponsors at the end of the film in large print and listed on the website.

$500.00 to $999.00:  

Supporting Sponsor, listed after the Associate sponsors at the end of the film and listed on the website.

$100.00 to $499.99:

Participating Sponsor, listed after the Supporting Sponsors at the end of the film and listed on the website.

$.00 to $99.99:     

Contributing Sponsor, listed on the website.